
Examination Procedures

CBCS pattern of Examination System is followed and the total credits turn out to be 140 for all the UG degree courses,  90 for all the PG degree courses and 24 for all MPhil degree courses.  Evaluation of Students performance in examinations is done in two phases, namely Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and Semester Examinations (SE). The performance of a student in each course is evaluated in terms of grade points and also provided with the equal percentage of marks. The End Semester Examination is of Written-type and the Practical examinations also form an integral component of the evaluation. 

Continuous Internal Assessment System

Continuous Internal Assessment Tests are conducted twice a semester.  The first test is conducted in the middle of the semester.  The second test is conducted towards the end of the semester.


The components of CIA are as below (Theory):






Two tests Mid Semester and Model Examination (Average)


10 marks

5  marks

4  marks



2 marks

3 marks

2 marks



3 marks

1 mark

1 mark

Quiz/ Group Discussion etc.,


5 marks

2 marks

1 mark



5 marks

4 marks

2 marks



25 marks

15 marks

10 marks







Two tests (Mid Term and Model-Average)


15 marks

9  marks

6  marks

Assignment/Group Activity


3 marks

3 marks

2 marks

Quiz/ Group Discussion etc.,


5 marks

1 marks

1 mark



2 marks

2 mark

1 mark



25 marks

15 marks

10 marks


The components of CIA are as below (Practical):



CIA - 40

Practical Skill


10 Marks

Submission of records with in the stipulated time


5 Marks

Model practical examination


10 Marks

Mid Term Practical examination


10 Marks



5 Marks


Pass Requirements

  • For UG degree courses, the passing minimum is 10 out of 25 in CIA and 30 out of 75 in Semester Examinations (40%).
  • For PG degree courses, the passing minimum of marks is 10 out of 25 in CIA and 30 out of 75 in Semester Examinations but making an aggregate of 50% marks as minimum mark.

Transparency / Revaluation / Retotaling

  • Application for Transparency shall be made within 7 days after the publication of results.
  • Revaluation/Retotaling of the answer script is also permitted and shall be made within 10 days from the date of publication of results.

Arrear Examinations

  • Arrear examinations for the alternative semesters will be conducted during the week end holidays just before the commencement of regular semester examinations.
  • The students who have arrears in the current semester are allowed to write the arrear papers along with the regular examinations.

Supplementary examination

This Examination will be conducted within a month, after the publication of results, to the final year UG and PG students who have failed in exactly one paper in the present or previous semesters.

Student Portal

The course wise student’s attendance is entered daily in student portal and the consolidated percentage of attendance report is taken before the end semester examinations. Students can view their profile, hall ticket, timetable, CIA and result through the student portal.
Students feedback is also available in the portal.  Every student has to give her feedback through the portal at the college website www.adjadmc.ac.in. before the end semester examinations.